I has finally been announced. Atlas Shrugged is coming to the big screen. Imdb.com states that the movie is planned to come out in 2007, but it all still seems fairly vague.
For those of you who have read the book, there is no need for recaption. For those of you who haven't - let's say it is one of the most important books for reigniting the classical liberal/libertarian movement in the US, probably the world. (Those Randites out there who object that Rand was not libertarian, but the founder of Objectivism, are of course right. But for the layperson, the description suffices. The point here is not to go into neither epistemology nor semantics).
Recently, the book was republished in Sweden with a new translation (Och Världen Skälvde). It become the object of some controversy after one of the leading figures of the new radical feminist party Feministiskt Initiativ, Tiina Rosenberg, claimed that she had been threatened by the think-tank Timbro when they sent her a copy of the book. To you international readers, let's just say that Ms. Rosenberg is a looter, think Ma Chalmers, only post-modern.
Too much has been written concerning Atlas Shrugged to be covered here, and that is not the point with this post. I will not discuss whether or not Hollywood will do justice to the message of the book, although that can certainly be questioned. Instead, I will list my dream cast for the film, at least as far as I have been thinking right now:
Dagny Taggart - Naomi Watts
Hank Rearden - Viggo Mortensen
Francisco D'Anconia - Johnny Depp
Ragnar Danneskjöld - Christian Bale
Ellis Wyatt - Ed Harris
Eddie Villers - John Cusack
Hugh Akston - Morgan Freeman
Lillian Rearden - Cate Blanchett
James Taggart - Clive Owen
Dr Robert Stadler - Ian McKellen
Wesley Mouch - Steve Buscemi
Bertram Scudder - Kevin Spacey
Cuffy Meigs - Bob Hoskins
And who is John Galt? Why Jude Law of course!
For those of you who have read the book, there is no need for recaption. For those of you who haven't - let's say it is one of the most important books for reigniting the classical liberal/libertarian movement in the US, probably the world. (Those Randites out there who object that Rand was not libertarian, but the founder of Objectivism, are of course right. But for the layperson, the description suffices. The point here is not to go into neither epistemology nor semantics).
Recently, the book was republished in Sweden with a new translation (Och Världen Skälvde). It become the object of some controversy after one of the leading figures of the new radical feminist party Feministiskt Initiativ, Tiina Rosenberg, claimed that she had been threatened by the think-tank Timbro when they sent her a copy of the book. To you international readers, let's just say that Ms. Rosenberg is a looter, think Ma Chalmers, only post-modern.
Too much has been written concerning Atlas Shrugged to be covered here, and that is not the point with this post. I will not discuss whether or not Hollywood will do justice to the message of the book, although that can certainly be questioned. Instead, I will list my dream cast for the film, at least as far as I have been thinking right now:
Dagny Taggart - Naomi Watts
Hank Rearden - Viggo Mortensen
Francisco D'Anconia - Johnny Depp
Ragnar Danneskjöld - Christian Bale
Ellis Wyatt - Ed Harris
Eddie Villers - John Cusack
Hugh Akston - Morgan Freeman
Lillian Rearden - Cate Blanchett
James Taggart - Clive Owen
Dr Robert Stadler - Ian McKellen
Wesley Mouch - Steve Buscemi
Bertram Scudder - Kevin Spacey
Cuffy Meigs - Bob Hoskins
And who is John Galt? Why Jude Law of course!